Kane County Effective Aug. 4, Kane County Resumes Social Distancing Rules
WHEREAS, the COVID-19 pandemic infection rates have increased to such a degree that
many court operations should be modified to continue to protect the health and safety of the
public, circuit court judges and circuit court employees, and pursuant to Supreme Court Rule
21(b) and the Court’s inherent authority; and
WHEREAS, the Supreme Court of Illinois entered Order M.R. 30370 on June 30, 2021, stating
that effective immediately the Chief Judges of each Circuit Court are no longer required to
allow for appropriate social distancing as required by the Court’s previous order and are
permitted to relax or eliminate social distancing requirements; and
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that due to recommendations by the State of Illinois and the
Kane County Health Department, effective August 5, 2021, the following procedures are in
effect in the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit:
their vaccination status who wish to enter any Kane County Court facility must wear an
appropriate facemask or face covering. Any person refusing to wear a facemask or face
covering will be denied entry into said facility.
A person may be denied entry into the court facilities if they have new flu-like symptoms
including fever, cough, or shortness of breath (excluding symptoms caused by chronic
A person may be denied entry into the court facilities if they currently have been directed
to quarantine or isolate at home by any medical provider or public health official.
A person may be denied entry into the court facilities if they reside or have regular close
contact with a person currently subject to a quarantine or isolation direction issued by a
medical provider or public health official and are not themselves fully vaccinated.
The Sixteenth Judicial Circuit will not routinely screen persons in the court facilities to
determine their vaccination status, but reserves the right to inquire as to any person’s
vaccination status and/or require proof thereof.
2) Reasonable accommodations will be provided for individuals with medical conditions or
disabilities that prevent them from safely wearing masks/face coverings. An individual
who is not medically able to tolerate a mask/face covering due to a medical condition or
disability should contact the Court’s Disability Coordinator, as soon as possible in
advance of the scheduled court proceeding, so that appropriate and reasonable
accommodations can be made.
3) All persons, including courtroom personnel, must wear masks/face coverings when inside
all courtrooms, unless the presiding judge of the courtroom gives permission to remove
the mask/face covering in order to participate in a court proceeding.
All other general orders not in conflict with this order are still in full force and effect.
The Court may issue further Orders, as necessary, to address the changing circumstances
surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Other Orders:
Kane County Local Rule 1.15 is Amended via General Order 21-22.