While The Gitlin Law Firm’s main office is in Woodstock, we regularly handle cases in Boone County. Boone County is part of the 17th Judicial Circuit of Illinois, and shares the Circuit with Winnebego County. The court house for Boone County is located in Belvidere, Illinois at 601 N. Main Street.
We offer a unique perspective for Boone County divorce and paternity cases, in that we are a preeminent divorce and family law firm, having written and updated our book: Gitlin on Divorce: A Guide to Illinois Family Law. The Gitlin Law Firm serves towns and villages in Boone County including: Belvidere, Caledonia, Capron, Cherry Valley, Poplar Grove, Candlewick Lake, and Garden Prairie.
The Gitlin Law firm concentrates its practice on family law cases. We handle divorce, custody (now called parenting time), alimony (maintenance), parentage cases (paternity), child support, and business valuation in divorce.
A unique perspective that we bring is our understanding of retirement accounts, both private and governmental, and how to properly divide retirement benefits in divorce. We have the knowledge, understanding and skills to draft Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs), Qualified Illinois Domestic Relations Orders (QILDROs), and Court Orders Acceptable for Processing (COAPs) in house.
Boone County, Illinois Local Links re Divorce and Paternity Issues:
- General Information Regarding Divorce/Family/Child Support in Boone County: https://boonecircuitclerk.us/page/72/civil
- PACT (Parents and Children Together) Educational Program for Winnebago and Boone County: https://www.familymatters-pact.com/PACTClass.html
- Local Court Rules of the 17th Judicial Circuit: http://www.illinois17th.com/for-attorneys/rules-orders
- Local Court Rules for Divorce Cases: http://www.illinois17th.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=378&Itemid=84
- General Orders of the 17th Judicial Circuit Family Division: http://www.illinois17th.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=5&Itemid=42
- Illinois Standardized Forms for the Circuit Court: http://www.illinoiscourts.gov/Forms/approved/Circuit.asp
- Clerk of the Court for Boone County: http://www.boonecountyil.org/department/circuitclerk and https://boonecircuitclerk.us/
- Virtual Court